Magnetic pole identifier

  • Last Post 28 June 2022
YoElMiCrO posted this 15 June 2022


Hello everyone

I propose this electronic magnetic pole identifier.
Very simple to do.

In another thread I will upload all the hardware.

Thank you.

@ Fighter...

In the insert window it does not appear
the option to browse inside the local PC.
Please if you can implement it within the forum.


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YoElMiCrO posted this 15 June 2022


Hello everyone

I propose this electronic magnetic pole identifier.
Very simple to do.

In another thread I will upload all the hardware.

Thank you.

@ Fighter...

In the insert window it does not appear
the option to browse inside the local PC.
Please if you can implement it within the forum.


Fighter posted this 15 June 2022

Hi YoElMiCrO,

I need more details, both video and image uploaders are working fine, I used them a lot already.

Tell me what you're trying to insert - image or video ?

I will assist with the issue.

About magnetic pole identifier, I've built something similar for pulsing magnetic fields in the Aharonov-Bohm effect experiment, is it somethink like this ?

I think I should add this tool to the Hardware section too, near your detector. They could be useful in many of our experiments.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Jagau posted this 15 June 2022

Hello Yoelmicro
the small button is difficult to see it is very pale right here on top of the arrow click on upload



Fighter posted this 15 June 2022

Oh, I understand the issue now. I should do something about that.

That dialog is a part of the TinyMCE editor, so it's internal, I'll try to get access to it and change that color.

Yes, there are still some things to fix in the UI (interface) of that image uploading section.

Thanks Spark2.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
YoElMiCrO posted this 15 June 2022

Hello everyone.

@ Fighter & Spark2

Thank you, I saw how it is.
At the shortest time I go up the circuit, it is a motor driver
of a PC, detects which pole is north or south.

Thank you.


YoElMiCrO posted this 26 June 2022

Hello everyone.

Today was that I had a little time
and manage to finish the magnetic pole discriminator.
Sorry for the delay.
Here the circuit and the photo of how it is at 80%, because it lacks
the cover you design on the 3D printer.

I understand that you can use any sensor/driver of the
that use fans from PC sources.
There are many types, but in principle they all share the same
distribution of pins, some have time_off others do not.
The one I use has time_off, in principle it is better the one who does not have it,
in this way the LED does not blink.

Thank you.


Fighter posted this 26 June 2022

Very nice tool, YoElMiCrO !

I think the sensor can be found only in PWM-controlled fans, so maybe PC fans with 3 wires have this kind of sensor too ?

I think these sensors can be used also in another kind of tool (with a different schema of course) to connect or disconnect coils in a device when north/south magnetic field is detected in specific areas of a device.

Could be useful in some experiments where we want to collect energy in a coil only when the magnetic field in the device have a specific polarity configuration.

But back at your tool, it's more precise and less dependant on frequency than my pulsed magnetic field detector.

I'm gonna add that tool too in the Hardware category, it could be useful in some experiements.

Thanks for sharing !



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
YoElMiCrO posted this 26 June 2022

Hello everyone.

Yes, in principle all FANs have a type of PWM.
Some have SMD and others THT.
The pulses are extracted from any output pin (N/S).
What they were designed for is what you say, the
two-phase control according to which pole is in front of the sensor.
Here I leave some files that complete my design.

I do not know how to upload files, I do not see or I do not realize how it is
what is done, if you can guide me, I would appreciate it.

Thank you.


Attached Files

Jagau posted this 28 June 2022

thanks for the info yeolmicro
I found 2 different models in cpu fans wich will do the job very well.
The first had an AH276 and the other an AH277 hall sensor, these are very common 4 wires models in CPU fan
I'll try your polarity detector.

Fighter posted this 28 June 2022

I do not know how to upload files, I do not see or I do not realize how it is
what is done, if you can guide me, I would appreciate it.

Hi YoElMiCrO,

On the post you want to attach a file click on the Attach button on the right side:

Then at the bottom of the post you'll see the upload file section will appear:

There you click the Browse button to select the file to upload then click Upload Files button and the file will be attached to the post.

Sorry, it's not very intuitive (especially if it's a big post the user will not see that section appearing at the bottom at the post) but that's how this functionality is implemented in the MVC Forum platform we're using (it's the platform used also by aboveunity). This functionality could be improved and we gonna do that at some point.

Multiple files can be attached to a post, for each file there must be followed the steps described above.

Be aware the following types of files are allowed: jpg,jpeg,png,gif,pdf,doc,docx,mp4,zip.

But if you want to attach other kind of files you just create a ZIP archive with them and attach the archive.

Note: there is still some work which needs to be done on the upload section, especially that "Browse" button, it's on the to-do list.




"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla