Public answer to Chris from

  • Last Post 18 January 2024
Fighter posted this 30 April 2022

I just saw a post made by Chris about two weeks ago:

Image attached to the post:

So, Chris, the answer is NO.

The reason it looks "familiar" is simple: both sites are using the same open-source platform named MVC Forum:

All the members of our team used to be members of AboveUnity (before you started to abuse, invent lies about them and act like a mentally ill person) and they are very familiar with the platform. That's the reason of our platform choice.

And if you would know what you're talking about you would know that if we would want to copy your site then this site would have been up and running in 4-5 days, we wouldn't need a month to develop it.

And you don't know it because you have no access here but BeyondUnity already have features and enhancements your site doesn't have. You were not even able to fix that Follow feature for topic notifications which is something very basic. Other than that check the layout, interactivity and the smoothness of this site and compare with yours. We had the latest version of TinyMCE from the beginning, weeks before you started upgrading the version from your site.

BeyondUnity was developed from ground up, that's why we have over 70 code commits made during the development:

So now get your pills, they may help with your issues.

And about all the lies and bullshit you were spreading about us, here it is something which you deleted on your site but we still have it:

Can you read this ?

I attached the image of the post so everyone can see it clearly.

So we started saving data (as you asked everyone to do) then you started yelling why we were saving the data. It does show exactly how bad your mental issues are.

And now fuck off, you're trash, go back to your site and find medical help.

You should ask yourself why almost all the members of the team left your site and the research and experiments there are now close to 0.

And something else: if you would have the solution, many members from your site would have working self-running devices by now ! The truth is no one has a working device there ! Not even you ! And we both know this !

You're in the past for us so stop talking trash about us. Everyone can see the proofs above and compare with all the lies you spread about us on your site.

If I would want your site down it would be down permanently. But your poor site goes offline on itself almost every day for more than a year now, was it also because of our "attacks" ? We even donated money to you when you were in trouble just to help in keeping your site online. Stop blaming others for your site issues.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla

Attached Files

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Fighter posted this 30 April 2022

I just saw a post made by Chris about two weeks ago:

Image attached to the post:

So, Chris, the answer is NO.

The reason it looks "familiar" is simple: both sites are using the same open-source platform named MVC Forum:

All the members of our team used to be members of AboveUnity (before you started to abuse, invent lies about them and act like a mentally ill person) and they are very familiar with the platform. That's the reason of our platform choice.

And if you would know what you're talking about you would know that if we would want to copy your site then this site would have been up and running in 4-5 days, we wouldn't need a month to develop it.

And you don't know it because you have no access here but BeyondUnity already have features and enhancements your site doesn't have. You were not even able to fix that Follow feature for topic notifications which is something very basic. Other than that check the layout, interactivity and the smoothness of this site and compare with yours. We had the latest version of TinyMCE from the beginning, weeks before you started upgrading the version from your site.

BeyondUnity was developed from ground up, that's why we have over 70 code commits made during the development:

So now get your pills, they may help with your issues.

And about all the lies and bullshit you were spreading about us, here it is something which you deleted on your site but we still have it:

Can you read this ?

I attached the image of the post so everyone can see it clearly.

So we started saving data (as you asked everyone to do) then you started yelling why we were saving the data. It does show exactly how bad your mental issues are.

And now fuck off, you're trash, go back to your site and find medical help.

You should ask yourself why almost all the members of the team left your site and the research and experiments there are now close to 0.

And something else: if you would have the solution, many members from your site would have working self-running devices by now ! The truth is no one has a working device there ! Not even you ! And we both know this !

You're in the past for us so stop talking trash about us. Everyone can see the proofs above and compare with all the lies you spread about us on your site.

If I would want your site down it would be down permanently. But your poor site goes offline on itself almost every day for more than a year now, was it also because of our "attacks" ? We even donated money to you when you were in trouble just to help in keeping your site online. Stop blaming others for your site issues.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla

Attached Files

Fighter posted this 02 May 2022

And seems someone didn't get his pills again.

If anyone still have any doubts that he have serious mental issues...

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Atti posted this 02 May 2022

For everyone.
This insult is already worrying. It definitely affects our work if we deal with this phenomenon a lot. Because it distracts us.

-Some people are curious about the work of others (literally) but don't want to show anything to others. Not even on request! (either because they don't want to break the rules set by someone, or because there's nothing to show)
-There are people who set up their work that way
(without evidence) that is the real fact.
-If someone points out the mistakes made, the "Chief Justice" will burn him. (This has happened several times over the years. More places!)

-They advertise knowledge (or some factuality) and if you don’t like the sentence you tell them they will be upset (first warning sign!) Scold everyone. They take on different degrees of insult.

And uninformed people believe what they say!

-They judge, talk about character, even though they don't know anyone (but probably not themselves)
-They don't know anyone because they're not willing to get to know the other. Or because they have certain "symptoms"
-He proclaims a world savior (God's imagery) about himself (next worrying sign) in the imaginary closed realm. As king, he preaches a verdict on fabricated charges.

And the people rejoice! A storm of applause, praise and worship of God.

Well, there are such people.
Do you need this?

Fighter posted this 02 May 2022

Nah, his pathetic attempts to discredit us are not a real distraction for us.

Since we left his site he continued to spread lies about us and about what really happened.

He even did pathetic tries to discredit us by deleting Cd_Sharp's thread and pretending Cd_Sharp deleted it even if Cd_Sharp's account was disabled on his request weeks ago before the thread was deleted.

And he continues to spread lies and insult us because he knows we can't reply and present the truth on his forum.

Well here is the truth with evidences for anyone who wants to find the truth.

As anyone can see above we didn't do anything wrong and we didn't betrayed anyone. He actually betrayed the team, he destroyed the team he created years ago. His masters couldn't be more happier, he did a better job than even they tried to do.

This thread is not for him, he's sick and in his "world" he will always think he never did anything wrong.

This is for the people on his forum still believing his lies and his bullshit. To understand they're wasting their time with a mentally ill person. If they want to stop wasting their time, if not they can continue to be sheep.

He's always rambling using the same phrases about opposing coils and opposing magnetic fields. There are opposing output coils and magnetic fields in many devices like Bearden's MEG, Akula's devices or Kapanadze's device to name just a few. Even me I used opposing output coils in my ZPM and I've built it before knowing about his site and his "discovery". It's nothing new. I joined his forum just to present ZPM to everyone there.

The thing is he didn't came with anything new or something useful. If there would be anything new in what he's always repeating like a parrot then after so many years many there would already have self-running devices. But no one there have any device, not even him.

So he is just wasting people's time. Actually he didn't presented an experiment showing something new, he just repeat the same experiment he presented years ago about opposing coils. While real researchers enriched his site with valuable experiments for years he was just watching and repeating the same rambling, just waiting for someone to come with new things so he can take advantage of it.

Now he's upset because almost all researchers left him (because his abuses and lies and trash he did throw at them all the time), there is only one researcher left there who is still presenting experiments.

Well, this is what this thread is about, to show to researchers who he really is so they stop wasting their time with him.

And we're showing it with arguments, logic and evidences.

Another example, just judge for yourself.


And after:

There is no need to have studies in the psychiatric domain to understand a person like this have serious mental issues...

That's all, we'll continue here in our brand new platform but this thread will stay active to warn others who don't want to waste their time.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Atti posted this 03 August 2022

They tried to gain a confidence here, they begged for months to get a copy of My Database, then tried to tear My Website down, to create an almost exact copy of their own, problem is, they just don't have the knowledge I have, so have nothing to share! That's why VERY FEW People have joined them! They have nothing, never did!

That's why is still leading the world in anything Electromagnetic!

Unfortunately SonOfLuck, I see your post as a Trouble making Post, with an agenda, and I have lost confidence in your intentions here. I hope in time you can earn a standing, and therefore respect, with me, in the future! 



Confidence. The.

Another smear. But the point and the tactics are always the same.
There is a statement, there is a factual statement
(must be believed on the basis of a report because the person or persons do not provide evidence) by some person.
People start working and thinking. Then they realize the result that something is wrong. Something does not correspond to the stated reality.
People start asking questions.
The people either don't answer or call out all kinds of trolls and troublemakers.
Neither person will present the truth.

All this, of course, under the heading of saving the world.

Fighter posted this 03 August 2022

Nothing new...

A person who asks everyone to make backup of the data because his site may dissapear soon and then get upset when we're making backup is a mentally ill person. When that person is deleting Cd_Shap's thread and then telling others Cd_Sharp did it (even if Cd_Sharp's account was suspended a week before deletion so Cd_Sharp couldn't be the author of the deletion) is a mentally ill person. When that person is throwing lies and trash to us even if he before called us his friends and he received money multiple times when he was in trouble (he got our last donation months later after we left while continuing to talk trash about us) is a mentally ill person. When a person is blaming us for his site going down daily even if that happened for years before our leave) is a mentally ill person. No sane person could do these things and act like that.

His partnered output coils are not a complete solution and I know very well that no one there have a functional self-running device after all these years so no, he doesn't have the solution and he is not "light years ahead" as he says.

Yes, he is just repeating the same things like "1-1+1=1" and stuff like that which are not really helping anyone.

It's nothing new, it's the asymetric regauging Tom Bearden and others told us about. The same about opposing coils, Akula was using them, Melnichenko used them, Bearden used them, anyone used them. I also used them in my ZPM even before knowing about his site and his "partnered output coils".

A few weeks ago I found something which I didn't saw before and it made me laugh, in 2018 Chris wrote that Graham Gunerson actually copied his work. πŸ˜‚

So seems nobody invented anything, Gunderson stolen Chris's work, I stolen Chris's work, I suspect Don Smith, Bearden, Akula, Melnichenko and Kapanadze also did the same thing. πŸ˜„

The guy is gone and he should seriously ask for medical help...

The only thing he's "light years ahead" is wasting researchers' time and resources.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
editor posted this 05 August 2022


I thought that I was the only one banned with no reason. 

Like somebody would wrote, very informative and eye reveling info. Thanks


Editor, the cook

Fighter posted this 05 August 2022

I thought that I was the only one banned with no reason. 

No, it happens to everyone sooner or later, you're not the first one and you'll not be the last one.

He acts like it's a religious group, everyone having doubts about the "versets" from his "bible" is a heretic, everyone who is not doing the "right" experiments and don't follow the "path" is an evil person and should be excluded. Even if the "path" is not going anywhere.

He succeeded in destroying his own team, he did exactly what he claims other "forces" are trying to do but he don't realize that yet.

That's why almost all researchers left, in the end he will remain alone there. What can I say, karma is never sleeping...



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 25 August 2022

And a new post to this public thread. It's not meant to distract anyone here (that's why it's in the Miscellaneous category), it's just an FYI (For Your Information) thread for others still wasting their time on that old forum.

Related to the previous post, just another example.

Psycho-boy started a poll about the partnered coils. Just 5 members answered:

The fact that only 5 members cared to answer to the poll shows what other member think about "his" partnered-coils. I put quotes to the his word as we all know CW and CCW opposing coils are used by many other devices made by Melnichenko, Akula, Kapanadze, Don Smith, Gunderson etc., it's not like they're something new.

Now he's looking for the member who answered "There are better ways to achieve AU"... πŸ˜†

Guess what will happen to that member πŸ˜‰

Unrelated to that poll, also our friend Gandalf expressed regrets than Captainloz left and Tinman is not joining aboveunity:

The result:

And he wonders why all researchers excepting one left aboveunity and his site is dead in the water...

"Light years ahead"... to the Third Reich, Hitler would love this guy, probably they both would share some pills for their seriously mental issues...

For anyone still wanting to waste his time on a road going nowhere with the psycho-boy and his site.

Edit: now he's sneaking here and trying to copy pieces from our forum's features and interface; he doesn't know what he's copying will never work well with his site as long as he don't have access to the server-side code of our features 😎



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 26 August 2022

And someone didn't took his pills again... πŸ˜‰

And just another proof that he is sneaking in here and reading our replies.

Like many other members from his site...

Why is he so hysterical ? Probably because he's "light years ahead"... not ! 😎



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Shadow_ posted this 27 August 2022


β€œAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.β€œ
