SpaceX Starship - the first real step to become a multiplanetary species

  • Last Post 20 April 2023
Fighter posted this 20 April 2023

Congratulations to SpaceX and to Elon Musk for the test made today !

Even if the SpaceX's Starship test today ended up with a explosion at 40 km in upper atmosphere, today will be marked in history as the first real step for our species to become multiplanetary.

This is the video of today's test:

The biggest and most powerful rocket and spaceship made by humankind, Starship's has the capability to transport huge payloads or hundreds of passengers. It's also fully reusable and can land on other planets without requiring any kind of infrastructure.

These are key characteristics which will make travel to space and to other planets accessible to everyone. Spaceship launches will become as usual and as accessible just like planes taking off today.

This is what's coming and what we gonna witness in the next years:


And the energy the humankind will use in space will not be provided by oil, gas, solar light or nuclear reactors. Those are too expensive to be transported in space, weak, unreliable or even dangerous.

The energy we gonna use in space will be the zero-point energy, available everywhere in the universe and provided by devices like the ones we're researching and experimenting with here.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 20 April 2023

Congratulations to SpaceX and to Elon Musk for the test made today !

Even if the SpaceX's Starship test today ended up with a explosion at 40 km in upper atmosphere, today will be marked in history as the first real step for our species to become multiplanetary.

This is the video of today's test:

The biggest and most powerful rocket and spaceship made by humankind, Starship's has the capability to transport huge payloads or hundreds of passengers. It's also fully reusable and can land on other planets without requiring any kind of infrastructure.

These are key characteristics which will make travel to space and to other planets accessible to everyone. Spaceship launches will become as usual and as accessible just like planes taking off today.

This is what's coming and what we gonna witness in the next years:


And the energy the humankind will use in space will not be provided by oil, gas, solar light or nuclear reactors. Those are too expensive to be transported in space, weak, unreliable or even dangerous.

The energy we gonna use in space will be the zero-point energy, available everywhere in the universe and provided by devices like the ones we're researching and experimenting with here.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla