Fight and get well Joel Lagace

  • Last Post 14 December 2023
Fighter posted this 24 November 2023


You already know him from some of his videos we posted here on our site.

He is a good guy, good researcher and his work is inspiring for many researchers all around the world.

Today he posted a video with bad news, he got infected with Covid:


I posted a message in the comments section of the video:

My message is not visible yet, probably he have comments manual approval activated.

But he will see it.

I encourage you to do the same, he needs our moral support to fight in these very difficult times of his life.

Note: recently found out he built a forum with many interesting discussions here.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 24 November 2023


You already know him from some of his videos we posted here on our site.

He is a good guy, good researcher and his work is inspiring for many researchers all around the world.

Today he posted a video with bad news, he got infected with Covid:


I posted a message in the comments section of the video:

My message is not visible yet, probably he have comments manual approval activated.

But he will see it.

I encourage you to do the same, he needs our moral support to fight in these very difficult times of his life.

Note: recently found out he built a forum with many interesting discussions here.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 14 December 2023

There are good news, our friend Joel won the fight and resumed his research and sharing work.

But I want to add something. In one of my posts here I posted this reply:

The biggest problem in our world is that everyone wants to win on this field. Especially on the material side. Money, power, glory. Forever. Not to experience spiritually.
Agree. But in my case I'm not in this for any of these. The reasons I'm in this kind of research are detailed in my first post I've made when I presented ZPM to the public.

I presented from the start all the data I had about my ZPM: coils configurations and characteristics, the core and its specs, how to build it, how to tune it and what it does.

Someone who wants money and power doesn't do that. And if we look into history of this kind of technologies we can see that anyone wanting to get money and power from this technology by producing these devices comercially ended dead or blocked through various methods by the Big-Oil cartels.

About glory, no thank you, we have buffoons on other sites claiming they're the saviors of the humankind, sent by God to lead the humanity to a new era, etc. That's f* ridiculous.

All I want is to have free energy available for every house on this planet and to end the humankind's slavery imposed by the Big-Oil cartels for at least 100 years. If, when my time will come to leave, I will see this technology available to everyone on this planet, I will leave smiling because I know I contributed to that liberation of the humankind.

All the "glory" I've got was to receive "friendly" warnings that I better stop doing this kind of research and make it public, I had strange "coincidences" happening around and so on. About some of them I did spoke, about others I didn't. But I know these things happened and are happening to others who stepped in and made public this kind of tech and devices.

Some people believe these things are happening, some people don't believe it, the truth is these things are very real and are happening.

Just as they're happening now also to Joel as you can see these two videos he posted: 

Part 1:


And part 2:


I just want to say these "warnings" and "coincidences" will not scare or stop any of us.

We are everywhere on the planet, too many and and too determined for them to stop us. And as long as we continue our research and we're sharing our work with the public and with other researchers, trying to stop one of us would be useless as the knowledge of our research is always shared and in the public domain.

We learned from the lessons of the history of previous researchers who worked isolated, kept secrets for themselves or tried to get rich from this kind of technology. And those were big mistakes. Because of that kind of approach "they" were able to annihilate the research and the knowledge of those researchers. But "they" will not stop us because our approach different: we share our research with the public and other researchers.

"They" will never be able to stop the research and the knowledge wich is shared and understood by other researchers and by the public.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla