Holcomb Energy System

  • Last Post 24 January 2024
Munny posted this 22 November 2022

What I do not yet understand about this concept is that it seems so straightforward, I cannot fathom half of us on this forum haven't stumbled upon it even by accident.  So my real question then is:  Are devices like this created and promoted by the intelligence community just to keep us chasing our tails?

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Munny posted this 22 November 2022

What I do not yet understand about this concept is that it seems so straightforward, I cannot fathom half of us on this forum haven't stumbled upon it even by accident.  So my real question then is:  Are devices like this created and promoted by the intelligence community just to keep us chasing our tails?

Vidura posted this 23 November 2022

The theory sounds straitforeward, some also have claimed the principals of NMR to be responsible for the energy gain in BTG coils. We have to be clear that the atom composed by tiny spheres is only a physical model by convention, so to say a help for our imagination for visualizing mentally. The german physicist Max Planck stated once in a conference: I'm sorry colegues, but matter in the form we perceive it, does not exist. If I understood the explanation in the video correctly, then we only would have to create a rotating magnetic flux pattern in a siliconsteel core and a pickup woinding , and we are done...

I can confirm supported by numerous experiments, that this dont work. At least not that simple. When I heared the first time from the system, and saw the videos I had a strange feeling. They might have something, but all this expensive hightech equippement, industrial installations, this would not be allowed to make it public that way by the trillion dollar gang. So it is a possibillity that it could be a distracction. But this is only my opinion certainly.


costinbuc posted this 21 January 2024

Another "trillion dollar gang" false target ?

solarlab posted this 21 January 2024

Hi Munny, 

Holcomb's devices work pretty good - at least the LinGen (linear) version does, (experimented with
this one) and I have seen the big round (~ +20KW) devices working as well. 

The excess energy however seems to be capped at around 4-6 times input. It appears to be the 
nature of the design implementation but the science behind it is valid. 

Researched it quite extensively - a very interesting concept. Posted a great deal of research 
and related information on the device at OUR [~35 pages] and on OU but the threads were locked 
(closed, taken down, or whatever ? ). 

An important NOTE regardig Holcomb's developments is he did break the Patent Office 
"Glass Ceiling" by being granted a patent on an "Excess Energy (a.k.a. OU) machine.  

Anyway, a new scheme was just invented which is much easier and cheaper to fabricate and 
does not have the output limitations. Still a work in progress but the underlying physics and
theory are there. 

Search around for the "EE_TFG" if your interested... 



solarlab posted this 21 January 2024

Hi Vidura

The theory sounds straight forward and it is. 

Magnetic Field Strength, as explained in Britannica (attached), in an electrical steel can be
increased significantly, the "B" part, by using a current carrying coil, the "H" part, to induce 
the "B" part. Note: however, some metals work better than others. 

This is known as the B-H Curve, see attached. 

Rotating the Magnetic Field is a matter of sequencing the coil drive current, attached animated
gif. As the rotating or sliding field passes the pick-up coil(s) [LinGen used a LAP arrangement] 
energy is induced in the pick-up coil - according to Faraday's Law. 

Significant improvement is seen in Holcomb's devices since there are no moving parts and the
associated losses. The patents explain these losses and apparent available gain(s). 

It's quite a good concept and, as you can see above, pretty straight forward. 


britannica - magnetic field strength 3
Magnetic Field Intensity - 2_Animation_0-17


Attached Files

Fighter posted this 21 January 2024

Hi solarlab,

Munny's email address (the one he used to register here) seems to not be functional anymore, our site tried to notify him about new posts on his thread but it received error "address not found".

So he was not notified about these new posts.

Just wanted to let you know about this.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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solarlab posted this 22 January 2024

Thanks Fighter, appreciated!

OT - looks like AU is in "melt-down mode". Maybe we better lay-off
for while. Don't think he can handle all the "real stuff" comming out.



Vasile posted this 22 January 2024


Another "trillion dollar gang" false target ?

I have contacted them yesterday asking to see and maybe buy some products. They said that they do not offer hardware but instead the presentations they make are for atracting investors and different type of collaborators to further bring this technology to the world. They come only with the technology and not the sale of products. At least momentarily.

Vasile posted this 22 January 2024


Hi Munny, 

Holcomb's devices work pretty good - at least the LinGen (linear) version does, (experimented with
this one)

What do you mean by pretty good? Have you calculated its COP? Have you build the LinGen?

and I have seen the big round (~ +20KW) devices working as well. 

Where have you seen them work? Have you seen it in person or on the internet?

solarlab posted this 22 January 2024

Yes, yes and yes. Detailed all this about a year or so ago...

Have a good one! 


Vasile posted this 23 January 2024


Yes, yes and yes. Detailed all this about a year or so ago...

Have a good one! 


So you have a device which has a COP bigger than 1? Can you post information (picture/text/video) about it with the necesary details for everyone here to at least give it a try and see how it goes? Just like Fighter posted all the details he had on the ZPM. I think everyone would be gratefull and we would see more replications.


P.S.: If when you say you have detailed all of it you are refering to the overunity thread entitled : "Holcomb Energy Systems  : Breakthrough technology to the world", then I can say that I have already read that thread and also that you offer simulations about how Holcomb system is supposed to work and not actual devices and experiments of your own. Everyone can offer simulations, can post theories , etc. and there is nothing wrong with that, but when you say you have a device, then you must show it (picture/text/video), detailed and clear, so that everyone can at least try to replicate it. I hope you understand this simple fact.
