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  • Last Post 04 August 2024
Fighter posted this 13 August 2022

Hello everyone,

This weekend the server will be shutdown for an estimated 2-3 hours interval for some scheduled maintenance. So if you see the site is offline do not think there is something bad or we're under attack or things like that.

I just need this time to make some security upgrades of the Windows Server operating system and also to set the server to take care if itself in some situations because I will leave Bucharest for about 3 weeks and I will not have physical access to it.

For example if here will be some power blackout the server must be able to power itself on and come back online when the power is restored. This is just one of the things which needs to be set as after a power failure I will not be able to power it on remotely by sending a Wake-On-LAN signal (as it's usually done). WOL doesn't work after a power failure.

I apologize for any incovenience.

If during these 3 weeks there will be any unexpected issue don't forget we have our secondary forum for emergency communications and updates:

And also be sure the content of the site is safe, we have automated backups running daily to an external secure encrypted location, the data will not be lost even if there is a physical damage of the server.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Fighter posted this 13 August 2022

Hello everyone,

This weekend the server will be shutdown for an estimated 2-3 hours interval for some scheduled maintenance. So if you see the site is offline do not think there is something bad or we're under attack or things like that.

I just need this time to make some security upgrades of the Windows Server operating system and also to set the server to take care if itself in some situations because I will leave Bucharest for about 3 weeks and I will not have physical access to it.

For example if here will be some power blackout the server must be able to power itself on and come back online when the power is restored. This is just one of the things which needs to be set as after a power failure I will not be able to power it on remotely by sending a Wake-On-LAN signal (as it's usually done). WOL doesn't work after a power failure.

I apologize for any incovenience.

If during these 3 weeks there will be any unexpected issue don't forget we have our secondary forum for emergency communications and updates:

And also be sure the content of the site is safe, we have automated backups running daily to an external secure encrypted location, the data will not be lost even if there is a physical damage of the server.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 14 August 2022

Maintenance complete.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 09 January 2023

Hello everyone,

This evening (Romania's time) the server will go offline for a planned RAM upgrade.

The estimation for the offline duration would be about 30 minutes but it could take longer considering the non-standard enclosure type of the server (which is basically a massive aluminum block with no coolers) and the fact that I never opened it since I bought the server.

So I'll need to be more careful than I'd be with a standard machine during the upgrade operation.

As a usual note: if there will be any unexpected issue don't forget we have our secondary forum for emergency communications and updates:



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 12 January 2023

Hello everyone,

First, sorry for the downtime.

Second, here are the updates (which were communicated in real-time to the members of our core team in our secondary/backup forum).

The RAM upgrade went well, it took about 45 minutes, the server started and shown the new RAM capacity but then after I restarted the server several times it failed booting and the SSD was reported as corrupted.

So the SSD (manufactured by Western Digital) which was running 24/7 on our server for more than 4 years has failed.

All the efforts to repair it using standard methods (diskpart, fixmbr, fixboot, rebuildbcd) failed, it was a hardware failure so the obvious choice was to replace it.

So in the next morning I ordered a new bigger and faster SSD (Samsung 870 EVO) and asked for expedited delivery from the store. I received it within about 4 hours and in the evening after I finished my job-related work I started a fresh installation of Windows Server, then SQL Server etc.

As we have automated backups running daily (at midnight, Romania's time) saving the database and site's content to an off-premise encrypted backup there was no data loss.

So after setting the new Windows Server OS, the new SQL Server, setting security and performance settings, updating it with the latest updates from Microsoft, restoring database and site's content and all the necessary things we're back online.

Even if the time that SSD chose to stop functioning was not a good time (it never is šŸ™‚), there are also good things about this incident: we're back online with 0 data loss, a much powerful server having more RAM, bigger and faster SSD and with fresh/faster Windows Server and SQL Server installations.

Below is a screenshot of our fresh Windows Server installation and the standard wallpaper image I always use on the server is showing how our server is handling your requests šŸ˜„

There are still things to do like setting again the daily automated backup mechanism, some fine-tuning and other stuff but I'll take care of them as I find time and most of them will be probably done during the next weekend. About the automated backup part, until I'll have time to set it up in the weekend I'll make daily manual backups, the data on our site will continue to be backed up.

Also we'll set some automated cloning and backup of the SSD's partitions in the near future, I didn't considered it necessary until now but after the SSD failure I think we should have that too. I'll talk to Cd_Sharp about it for possible solutions.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 13 January 2023

Just a small update, I just checked the performance of the new SSD.

Compared to the performance of the previous Western Digital SSD this one is much faster !

It also comes with auto-diagnose and real-time health monitoring an reliability checks so if there will be a potential hardware failure in the future we will know in advance about it, before it happens.

It's really top-tech and top-performance, it was a very good choice.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 23 January 2023

The automated backup is up and running again on the server, I just checked it and it's functioning properly.

So from now on no more work on manual backups for me. šŸ™‚

It's running every midnight (Romania's time) and it's making backups of the database and site's files (most important the documents, images and videos uploaded by our members) to an off-premise encrypted location.

 Now let's just hope we not gonna need those backups anytime soon... šŸ™‚



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 18 August 2023

Hello everyone,

I will leave Bucharest until the begining of September and I will not have physical access to the server.

Except possible power blackouts or internet connection issues the server should be able to take care of itself. I'll have access to it remotely.

If during this time there will be any unexpected issue don't forget we have our secondary forum for emergency communications and updates:

Also be sure the content of the site is safe, we have automated backups running daily to an external secure encrypted location, the data will not be lost even if there is a physical damage of the server.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 06 September 2023

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the downtime.

We had status updates and communications in our secondary/emergency forum.

This is the post I've made there on 29 August:

Hello guys,

Just half of hour ago I received alert on my phone that the server is down.
On my surveillance camera it seems to be powered on but I cannot access it remotely.
When I ping it from my router it doesn't respond.
Unfortunately without physical access to it I cannot check what the problem is.
It will need to wait until I return to Bucharest next weekend.
Until then we can communicate here.
I'm sorry about this, it's a very bad timing for a server malfunction.
We have backups so there will be no data loss of BeyondUnity, just the site will remain offline until I return to Bucharest and fix the issue whatever it is (hardware or software).


This evening I arrived in Bucharest and checked.

The server looks fine, I was afraid of a hardware failure but it's not the case.

From a quick overview the cause seems to be a defective Windows Server update received from Microsoft.

The server entered in a loop: tried to install the update, the update failed, the server restarted and tried to install the update again, update failed and so on...

We should thank to our friends from Microsoft for sending updates with issues...

It was a bad moment for this to happen as I was away and because of this issue I lost the remote access to the server.

I'll investigate the logs deeper when I'll have some time to check if there was something else but after a quick overview I see no evidence of any external attack or something suspicious.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 04 July 2024


Apologies for the site being offline for about 2 hours today, a power outage messed up the MBR of our server's SSD.

I needed to restore the SSD content from a disk clone and then restore the database and the uploaded files from the backups our automated backup system is creating every day at midnight.

Thanks to our automated backup system no data is lost.

Sorry for any inconvenience, if you notice any issue just let me know through a personal message.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 04 August 2024


Many things happened in the last week but I didn't had time to prepare this post.

First, as probably many of you noticed in the last weekend and the beginning of the week our site experienced a very strange visibility issue around the world.

I chased this issue which was manifesting like this: at interval of a few minutes our site was accessible then inaccessible at different locations on all continents. This manifested randomly but continuously.

After investigating the firewall logs for possible attacks and checking for possible local connectivity issues of our server I came to the conclusion it was nothing wrong locally but it was a DNS propagation/caching issue of our domain manifesting randomy on all continents.

As example this was the situation at some locations at intervals of 5 minutes (green markers means our site was visible at those locations, yellow markers means our site was not visible at those locations):

My investigation shown a previous/wrong IP was associated with our domain at random intervals all around the world and the visitors trying to access were pointed to that IP which was no longer our server's current IP. Therefore no server was present at that IP to answer to their browsers requests. 

I gathered as much as possible information for diagnosting and debugging then I contacted our DNS provider telling them about the problem.

I collaborated very well with Joshua from our DNS provider (it's not the first time I work with him, he is always very involved and helpful) and he told me this is a very strange issue. As a matter of fact I was using their free DNS services for many years and I never had a issue like this.

At the beginning of the week the issue was resolved, this is the current visibility status right now:

Maybe it was a side-effect of the recent CrowdStrike issue which affected the big networks in the entire world, the cause was not clear but the important thing was to fix the problem.

Or, I don't know, maybe someone thought if they can't take the "citadel" they could try to cut its communications roads ? This is another possibility.

I'm saying this because as our members already know since we came online our site is under various attacks which are stopped by our firewall every day.

There are days when we have spikes of tens of thusands of deflected attacks, this is how a calm period looks like:

Also we have daily waves of membership requests from spammers and bots trying to make fake accounts on our site, here is just a small sample:

If we would let them on our site probable we would have thousands of fake members by now.

The algorithm we developed for our site is rejecting a membership request only when it finds 100% evidence that the source of the request is a bot or a spammer. We don't need fake members.

Considering the kind of research we do and the information we're sharing with the public we prepared ourselves for this kind of attacks and our site is handling them automatically since we came online.

Imagine a site not having this kind of protection like the old aboveunity site, this is a explanation how that site "aquired" hundreds of useless fake accounts which are there just to consume that site's resources (processor, memory etc.). šŸ˜‰

Another thing I worked on this week was to aquire a UPS for our server so there will not be any future incidents like it happened 5 weeks ago.

From now on in the case of a power outage the UPS will keep our server, router and the fiber-optics modem powered for about 1:45 to 2 hours so the site will keep functioning (if our ISP's fiber-optics equipment outside of the building still have power):

If the power outage's duration takes longer than that when the battery is almost depleted the UPS will send the shutdown command to the server and will wait for the power to comeback then I can turn on the server (including remotely).

During the entire week I simulated power outages to verify in all kind of scenarios the things are working as expected, here are some images taken during one of those simulations:

Everything seems fine, our site's endurance is stronger now handling the situations of possible power outages or power spikes (which usually are not happening that often in the area).



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla

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