Final Secret of Back EMF explained

  • Last Post 06 November 2023
Jagau posted this 23 August 2023

Hi all

I noticed this guy who makes very interesting videos on BEMF,  on YT channel and I wanted to let you know, he's not afraid to express his avant-garde ideas.


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Jagau posted this 23 August 2023

Hi all

I noticed this guy who makes very interesting videos on BEMF,  on YT channel and I wanted to let you know, he's not afraid to express his avant-garde ideas.


Jagau posted this 24 August 2023

Between 1.30 minutes and 8.00 is the most important, study this part well.

This guy is right on target.


Jagau posted this 25 August 2023

This is what Joel is trying to explain in these terms to him and he understood it well.

On the left Oscilloscope photo of Akula (small flashlight) and on the right what should be seen on my or on your scope. Here it is for those who want to understand.

Atti posted this 26 August 2023

Hi all.


How interesting. The great "master" has manifested himself again. In two of his posts he has lambasted Jagau's comments and the video shown. Then all his comments disappeared. Perhaps he has realised something about what Jagau is trying to teach in the post?

Fighter posted this 26 August 2023

Replying To: Atti

Yes, I saw that.

As usually he is begging for attention.

That's what he does, as he have nothing to show all he can do is to attack others.

Do you still try to find logic in what that cuckoo-boy is doing ?..

It's funny and sad in the same time how he keeps talking there to his imaginary friends.

He still don't realize the times he had any friends are now gone since his mental issues kicked in and he started attacking his friends and his own team like a rabid dog.


From my point of view Chris Sykes is a useful idiot. He's doing the job of his lifetime enemies. Stay strong!

For me anything he's babbling about this domain of research is irrelevant as for 7 years now he was unable to show any practical demo to prove the validity of what he pretends he's "teaching" others.

All he does is disinformation and as Cd_Sharp said he is just attacking other real researchers like any usual troll.

But what I said here is already documented with proofs and details in our public answer thread.

Let's just ignore the "useful idiot" as Cd_Sharp named him...



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Getza posted this 06 November 2023


This is what Joel is trying to explain in these terms to him and he understood it well.

On the left Oscilloscope photo of Akula (small flashlight) and on the right what should be seen on my or on your scope. Here it is for those who want to understand.

Hi Jagau, i got these waveforms but no self power, has anyone been able to replicate the flashlight?


Jagau posted this 06 November 2023

Transient voltage received from your PS is a problem try soon with a DC Battery.

