Clemente Figueras Generator

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Vidura posted this 17 April 2024

Clemente Figueras Generator

Searching for the principles.

There was the Clemente Figueras thread on the AU forum many years ago, which I followed with great interest. Several talented builders were showing their skills and ideas. What was notable in my opinion, that all of them were convinced to know how it supposedly works and thus following more or less the same line. Eventually I have been scolded for proposing a different idea. The reason why different options should be explored is quite obvious: if it could not be replicated relaying on these ideas in 120 years, there could be a mistake in the interpretation of the patents. It is known that from the patent scripts several drawings had disappeared. It seems the only remaining is this block diagram:

The comments translated to English have of course been added by someone. Figueras himself never referred to the coil sets as “primary “ or “secondary” coils. He always described his machine as a generator and not as a transformer. What is the most important difference between them? On the internet we can find some answers, although doubtful ones. For example, that mechanical energy is converted into electricity in a generator, and that the changing magnetic field in the transformer induces a voltage in the secondary. The output voltage on the windings of the generator is not proportional to the number of turns ratio between the excitermagnets and the output winding. it is dependent on the magnetic field strenght, the rate of change per time unit and the number of turna on the outputwindings. I will come back to this later why I called doubtful such explanations. The most important difference is that the exciter magnet in the generator is continuously magnetized in the same polarity in contrast to the transformers primary. In this thread I will propose and test some different approaches to find the magic in this machine.

If we read the patents, it is quite straightforward explained how the machine resembles the operation of a standard generator or alternator without moving coils or other parts, with exception of the switching mechanism with brushes and a dc motor. But there is not one hint about how the reaction as per Lenz’ law is avoided. It is not too difficult to build a solid-state generator with a good efficiency. When I experimented with the DZ generator with rotating magnetic fields, I came to 95%+ but unfortunately not over 100%. This would be only possible by diminishing or cancelling the Lenz’ reaction. The numerous experiments I performed pointed to this direction.

So I will conclude this introduction with the statement: if we don’t understand how it works we cant likely reproduce it. And even if someone succeeds by trial and error without understanding how, it is not likely replicable for others. This applies for other inventions and devices as well.

will continue soon 


Vidura posted this 16 June 2024

Some more tests with new resistors and 8 channels of solid-state relays have been tested. The current curve is much better, it goes down to approx. 100mA, so the range of changing has improved. 


The resistors are 15 ohms and 90 ohms.




I tried two polarity configurations N-S and N-N of the electromagnets, using the unique core on the output coil it was noted that the output was greater in the N-N config, which is logical for the magnetic reversal occurring in the core, but in N-S setup despite of the lower output there was no load reaction on the input of the EM, in contrast with the N-N setup the input current increased when the load was connected. The performance was very poor still, I guess due to the poor building characteristics of core and coils. It is well known in electric engineering  that open magnetic circuits at low frequencies don’t perform efficiently.  As it is costly to build these coils and economy became very difficult in our location, I have to change the strategy to continue the research, by downscaling the size of the components. It is not the best choice for magnetics, as the force adds up with the size, but hopefully it will allow to continue and prove-discard some concepts and setups. So, the next series of tests will be made with miniature EM’s and output coils, and coupled together in a string like shown in this Patent drawing:

In a box in my workshop, I found some transformer laminates which I will use to build the new small output cores:


Fighter posted this 16 June 2024

A lot of work in your experiment, thanks for sharing Vidura.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Vidura posted this 19 June 2024

Here some image from the cores, the laminates are glued with magnetic wire varnish. next step the coilformer....


Vidura posted this 24 June 2024

slowly moving ahead... the last days I made a coilformer of cardboard, then covered with a layer of poliester resin.


The cores will be separated by small spacers, the gap positioned in the middle of each electromagnet. The pulsing magnetic field should stimulate the inflow of energy thru the Blochwall.


Vidura posted this 30 June 2024

Today I could finish the windings. The segments of the electromagnets have 540T each with 0.3mm wire and the output windings have 300T each with 0.55mm magnetic wire.
Hopefully this week I find time to setup the connections and run some tests.



If someone wants to experiment with this or similar coils it is highly recommendable to use a winding machine with a turn counter. This time I used "wild windings" due to time restrictions, although it is preferrable to make it in ordered layers with turns side by side.



Vidura posted this 08 July 2024

An update:
Below the measurements of resistance and inductance of the electromagnets and the output windings:


 Inductance and resistance of EM

And of the output coil

Also an additional back iron core has been made for the outer EM’s, which enhances the fieldstrenght of the opposite pole. The wiring for the EM’s is soldered. I realized that I did an odd number of them, so one group has 3 and the other 4 EM’s. Therefore the latter group will draw more current, but no influence on the individual windings should be expected, as they are wired in parallel.


Lasco posted this 08 July 2024

Hi Vidura, 

I am interested in the Figuera generator. I have tried different approaches but have had no luck so far. I am grateful for your posts and encourage you to keep up with your fascinating work. 



Jagau posted this 08 July 2024

Very interesting thread Vidura.

Vidura posted this 09 July 2024

Hi Friends, thanks for your interest in the topic.

At this opportunity I will share some thoughts and ideas about the possible concept and underlying principles of the Figueras generator.  As the inventor and his assistant repeatedly stated, the analogies to the dynamo machine or alternator have to be understood. The basic understanding of magnetoelectric induction and the subtle nuances of how Lenz’ Law is operating are mandatory.  The video below might help to visualize how the relative movement between magnetic field and coil induces the flow of current and how the magnetic force of the induced interacts with the primary magnetic field:

In the patents mr. Constantin Buforn (not Figuera himself) argued that Lenz’ Law could not apply because there are no moving parts where attraction or repulsion could manifest. But this is too much simplified and only partially true. Our friend Yoelmicro eventually scolds me for my attempts to avoid the Lenz effect stating that it is impossible to avoid Lenz’ Law. And this is correct, because there will always be an equal and opposite reaction to the originating action. But, if we think about the experiment with the magnetic diode posted by Tinman, it seems to be possible to separate at least partially the magnetic counter field from the source and diminish the impact on the originating (increasing or decreasing) magnetic field.

And certainly, it is not enough to make the generator solid state, many have done this already, I also achieved very efficient generation with rotary magnetic fields, but not OU. Therefore, I believe that the secret is a configuration which allows to generate an electric current in the output windings while keeping away the magnetic field (not avoiding it) from the generating primary field. This is also the reason why I am convinced that the resistors used for the modulation of the electromagnets have a second purpose, which is to dissipate the current which is induced (captured) in the EM at a certain part of the period. This would diminish the impact of the counter magnetic field on the primary field. Just Imagin a generator or a transformer of say a 90% efficient, we know that only a very small amount of energy has to be put in to magnetize the system while unloaded, if we where able to keep away only 50% of the counter magnetic field, the efficiency of the device would reach at least 150% or a COP of 1.5 ! The challenge is to keep the machine at the 90% of efficiency while manipulating the magnetic circuits.


Vidura posted this 17 August 2024

Here an update: Finally, I could do the test with the linear multi coil arrangement. It was not successful, although some voltage was generated in the output coils, when loaded it dropped almost to nothing. Very poor performance, I tried with different sizes of gaps between the core segments, which also did not change the behaviour of the setup. The good thing is that it seems to confirm that using a closed magnetic loop with only minimal gaps and massive heavy cores is the best way to build any generator, at least at low frequency. If the patent drawings are correct, they show only a partial view of the actual geometric shape, as I suggested at the beginning of the thread. From all the related experiments those with a closed magnetic core had the best performance. Therefore, I will return to these geometries in the next setup. Also, I am considering to try to recycle the energy of the electromagnets at the switch-off time instead of dissipating it completely in the resistors. As the electromagnets acts as inductors when they are switched on and off, if too many turns are used the timing becomes too slow, and if few turns are used, to get sufficient magnetic field strength, a high current is required. This would become very lossy and impractical using the resistor array, but it could be operated at higher frequency. So it is a trade off to find the best arrangement.

