• Last Post 09 June 2024
Fighter posted this 09 June 2024

Oh, I see... 

I didn't read too much from that site, I just checked their energy section and I saw they're talking about Keshe's technology. 

Even if they're in Romania, there is no link between them and us. I saw that site for the first time and I don't know that guy Barbu or anyone else from that group. From my point of view they have different goals than us, I see they want sponsorships, donations, etc. for their research while we didn't asked for a single cent from anyone (and we'll never do it) for the research we're sharing with the public.

I think this says a lot about what's their goal and what's our goal. šŸ˜‰

Please be aware there are centers for promoting Keshe's technology in a lot of countries, not only in Romania.

As far as I know that tech wasn't successful (as they claimed) in offering energy to the humankind. Other of their claims are not really important from my point of view, they failed on their main claim.

About them comparing themselves with the great Nikola Tesla, it means they really don't know too much about Nikola Tesla's technologies so they don't know what they're talking about...

If they want to really know more about Nikola Tesla's technologies they should ask our members here.

I'm also Romanian and proud of it but what we do here go way beyond the nationality and patriotism, this is for the entire humankind and the nationality is not too relevant in our research, we're a team and our members are from the entire world.

We're waiting for you to come back and resume your research when you're ready. šŸ™‚



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
realco posted this 09 June 2024

Far from what you just understood. 
As you can see, I posted in two steps:
a. I just put the link from facebook for all to read the enormity of the absurdity of these times. And if you still read it you will see that this Barbu claims to master the technology of curing diseases as well as prolonging human life.<<ABSOLUTLY fabulous>>
b. I'm back with my second post showing my outrage at what I'm seeing on social networks and god forbid... maybe even in the news media.
How is it possible to sit in the same row as Tesla? And to imply that it failed to transmit power via WireleSs technology, but they (this NGO) succeeded globally.
I put this information in a Romanian run forum, because I am also Romanian and proud of it. I am with you, not against you!!!I have not been active for a while because I have my reasons, but I will come back.


Fighter posted this 09 June 2024

I don't understand your post, are you upset on us ?

Our team has no link to any NGOs, we're volunteers using our own money, time and skills to research in this domain and we are sharing our research.

We know who our enemies are, they are the enemies of the entire human race.

The ones which blocked the evolution of the humankind (and supressed inventors and these technologies) in their greed for making trillions profits every year from fossil fuels which are destroying this planet.

So, Realco, we're not enemies, actually we have the same enemies... šŸ™‚



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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realco posted this 09 June 2024

It would be good for those who are connected with this work (members of this forum at least), to get acquainted with the level of manipulation promoted by certain entities so called NGOs or other more or less public bodies. They intentionally forget that we humanity live in the 3rd dimension where we have gravity, where we have paranoids like Einstein, the law of conservation or Lenz's. It is simply an insult to those with great difficulty getting close to unity and a little over. Read and judge for yourself what I have come to. But we are a silent community that almost never retaliates, and what we see is nothing but a direct attack in the direction of the 'silent community'. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.  Fighter... You can delete this post or not. You decide.
A good day to all. Realco

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Fighter posted this 09 June 2024

Hi Realco,

The only section related to generating energy on that site seems to be related to Keshe's technology.

Which wasn't too successful as far as I know...



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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realco posted this 09 June 2024

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