Aharonov-Bohm effect as zero-point energy concentrator

  • Last Post 02 March 2024
Fighter posted this 23 May 2022


This is the imported thread (from the old aboveunity site) about my experiment investigating the Aharonov-Bohm effect as zero-point energy concentrator:


For references I will keep the original posting date for every imported post.

Note: This thread is public, everyone can see it, even the visitors which are not members here.

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"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Fighter posted this 23 May 2022


This is the imported thread (from the old aboveunity site) about my experiment investigating the Aharonov-Bohm effect as zero-point energy concentrator:


For references I will keep the original posting date for every imported post.

Note: This thread is public, everyone can see it, even the visitors which are not members here.

For the posts made by former aboveunity members which are not members on our site I'll use a member placeholder named UndisclosedMember.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Fighter posted this 20 June 2020

I decided to experiment the possibility of using the Aharonov-Bohm effect to concentrate and gather zero-point energy.

The original post I've made is this one:

This is as a note for myself but also for everyone who ever tried to reproduce Tom Bearden's MEG.

It also have implications on every device using "special" cores including ZPM.

Recently after I saw one of Chris' post about someone asking in private for Tom Bearden's "Energy from the Vacuum" DVDs Collection I became curious and wanted to see what those DVDs contain.

For now I only saw the first DVD from that collection and I already found out there are hidden gems on those DVDs. Really important stuff !

One of them is what I post here and it's Bearden explanation on how MEG really works. It's a paradigm-shifting video segment and I'd wish I'd saw it few years ago when I was trying to replicate MEG.

This is the video segment I'm talking about:


There are a few paradigm-changing conclusions:

1. J.L. Naudin's explanation on how MEG works is totally wrong. So this simulation is wrong:

The role of the permanent magnet is not to have its magnetic field switched to left and right core sections by the small command coils.

2. Seems that when a permanent magnet is placed inside of the core without gap so the entire magnetic flux of the permanent magnet is "sucked" inside of the core and become trapped there are two effects:

  • the permanent magnet become almost inert so it stops emitting magnetic field around it or (depending of how close to 0 mm is the gap between it and the core) it's emitting a very small magnetic field compared to its original magnetic field;
  • when the previous conditions are happening and almost all the magnetic field of the permanent magnet is trapped inside the core something new happens: outside of the core a zero-point/quantum/aether (however you call it) field is formed containing additional energy ready to be captured by our device.

3. The practical way of capturing additional energy from that new zero-point/quantum/aether field formed outside of the core is to "shake" that field by pulsing the small command coils on top of the MEG. That will make the output coils capture the additional energy contained in that field therefore zero-point energy is added to the device's output.

4. Tom says MEG's output actually contains multiple and very complex signals which our actual instruments (including the oscilloscopes) are unable or have major difficulties to analyze; he says that because of this there is very difficult to calculate the real energy from the output and expensive specialists and specialized instruments are required for calculating MEG's COP.

5. Seems COP 5 is not the limit for MEG, it can go higher but in the prototype trying to go higher would burn the output coils.

6. He's talking about "nano-crystalline material, there's 2-3 types which would do it"; Metglas AMCC core is actually amorphous metal alloy, not nano-crystalline, so I'm not sure it's one of those 2-3 types Bearden is talking about. What if it's not, what if when placing a permanent magnet inside a AMCC core the magnetic field is not "sucked" and trapped inside the core or what if that zero-point field is not forming around the core ? In my experiments I used AMCC-200 but what if, to really have that zero-point field forming around the core, a nano-crystalline core like Hitachi F3CC0125 is required ? Since seems that zero-point field forming outside of the core cannot be detected directly is difficult to verify if amorphous metal cores are able to have that effect or not. If not then I experimented for years with a wrong core so this is a important question which I have no answer for it right now.

Before deciding this I've made additional research about the Aharonov-Bohm effect, it's real, it's confirmed by hundreds of papers and experiments and it's behind the frontier of our classical physics, it cannot be explained by our classical physics but it's more in the domain of the quantum physics.

My guess is what Chris did teach us about the partnered output coils is actually producing the same zero-point energy concentration effect and pulsing it, that's how our devices harvest the extra-energy. And if this experiment is successfully we can enhance the mechanism and concentrate the energy but this time without input energy required from our part. For now it's just a guess of course.

The original paper published in 1959 is here:

The Physical Review 1959 - Aharonov-Bohm Effect

I'll add here just a few things I found during my investigation about the effect.

This is a Wolfram demonstration project I played with to understand better this effect (link to larger image here):

This is a try for a possible explanation of what's actually going on with this effect, but as I'm not that advanced in physics as other guys here I'm not sure it's a valid explanation, I'll just post it here for reference (link to larger image here):

Following are two articles from physics publications:

(link to larger image here)

(link to larger image here)

And this is a page containing more details about how MEG is using the Aharonov-Bohm effect (link to larger image here):

This is a really expensive experiment, the Hitachi F3CC0125 nano-crystalline core costs (including EU import taxes) as much as 3 AMCC-200 cores or as my oscilloscope.

Here are the core's specs:

Hitachi FINEMET Cores

Basically I spent the research funds for the next 3-4 months but I think it's worth it. Because if what Bearden is describing is correct (and hundreds of papers and experiments confirm this phenomenon) then we can have a input-free device for concentrating the zero-point energy around the core and more than that it is in a form which can easily be harvested.The only energy we will need then would be the energy required by a small primary coil to pulse this field formed around the core so it can be collected by the big secondary coils.

Also, as something personal, if the experiments succeed then I'll know the reason why the MEG replicating experiments I've made for two years with the AMCC-200 Metglas core failed.

The shipment left US and it's on its way to Europe. Meanwhile I need to prepare the specs for appropriate coil supports for this core and send the specs to the CNC firm I used before.

I'll post updates as the project is progressing and as I find time to work on it.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla

Attached Files

UndisclosedMember posted this 21 June 2020


I will definitely get involved in investigating this effect.
In practice, I have done some experiments in the past. Not exactly the way they negotiate. It may also have nothing to do with the whole thing. But in my opinion, the AB effect can be found (but most importantly) in some devices.
So I agree with fighter’s opinion.
(unfortunately I still don't have time to experiment at the moment)
Some older recordings are remnants of images. The significance of the air gap is very great! !!!!

1:17 onwards. There is really no excess current consumption. But we must not forget that it is only true in open space. If I make it closed (like a conventional transformer excitation or the Bulgarian M.E.G.) the Lenz effect can be felt the same. But then to any extent!
I will continue later.

Nagy Attila.

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UndisclosedMember posted this 21 June 2020

Hey Fighter,

Great thread!

Yes, there is a lot of data when one wants to study the AB Effect. We have covered some of this before here, a few times on the threads found Here.

Best wishes, stay safe and well My Friend

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Fighter posted this 21 June 2020

@UndisclosedMember Thank you, any experimental help or data about this is more than welcome !

@UndisclosedMember Thank you for the threads my friend, I'll study the discussions there carefully !

Seems the shipment is moving faster than I expected, it will be here before I'll have the coils supports ready...

(link to larger image here)

Stay safe and be well everyone !

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Fighter posted this 22 June 2020

This was fast, it arrived today.

This one is smaller than AMCC-200, it's less wide - 35mm, while AMCC is 50mm wide.

It has some darker coating on it (probably against rusting) but inside the coating is not uniform so the alloy can be seen, it's white-shiny just like Metglas, visually seems there is no difference between amorphous and nano-crystalline alloys.

Few photos (link to larger image here):

I already sent an email to the CNC firm with the modified schema for coil supports (link to larger image here):

Let's see how busy they are, hopefully they can add my small order to their production schedule.

The difficult part will be to find a matching magnet for this core strong enough but not very strong so when placed inside the core its magnetic flux will be captured entirely by the core so it becomes (almost) inert but in the same time its magnetic flux should not be that powerful so it can escape from the core and flow around the core.

This will be tricky as I need to find this magnet online and I'll not be able to try it. From the original MEG images seems neodymium magnets are too powerful, seems Bearden used a ferrite magnet:

I'll try to find a matching ferrite magnet by dimensions, hopefully it will match the core magnetically too.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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Fighter posted this 24 June 2020

The pieces for coils supports are ready, I just need to find time to assemble them (link to larger image here):

Unfortunately I didn't found a ferrite magnet with width 35mm and height 25mm.

I'll keep searching but if I don't find I will need to improvise. I have some ferrite magnets with width 50mm and height 25mm, I used them few years ago while experimenting for MEG with the AMCC-200 core.

As you can see in the photos they're bigger and seems to be too strong, I'll try to manually cut one to see how it behaves.

I know they're hard to cut and cutting one could affect its magnetic properties but if I can't find one appropriate on the market this is the only way.

I'll post updates here as I progress with the project.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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UndisclosedMember posted this 25 June 2020

Hello Fighter!,

"His eyes are open and he can see...."  I probably got it wrong. From a Star Trek episode.

Ferrites can be cut to size using a diamond wet saw. Commonly used in jewelry making for cutting stone slabs out of interesting rocks. Make the ferrite a bit smaller than the dimensions of the core side to side. Having the edges line up is counter productive, and allows leakage of flux very easily. This way you can make a perfect fit, nice and tight. Air gaps bleed energy big time! Cutting will not affect the properties of the magnet at all. Magnets never become inert unless they are heated to the Curie temperature. It's all good.

Reading this post was a joy for me!

Have a good day everybody

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Fighter posted this 28 June 2020

I finished building the coil supports and also the coils (link to larger image here):

Coils have approx. 250 turns (+/- 10 turns) of 0.6mm copper wire.

About cutting the ferrite magnet, the operation failed, probably I did put too much pressure on the cutting-saw while manually cutting and the magnet broke in two randomly-shaped pieces.

I was thinking about Dale's recommendation ("Make the ferrite a bit smaller than the dimensions of the core side to side. Having the edges line up is counter productive, and allows leakage of flux very easily.") so I searched and I found on local market a 20x20x25 mm ferrite magnet and I placed the order, it should arrive within few days.

Also I searched for a way to make the magnet modular and I found and ordered a few packs of 7x7x25 mm ferrite magnets from UK. This way I will be able to add/remove this kind of magnets in the center of the core while searching for a matching magnetic force for the core. I don't know how fast the shipment from UK will arrive, hopefully I'll receive it within few days too.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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UndisclosedMember posted this 29 June 2020

Consider using ferrofluid to fill in the gaps.



... in the blink of an eye.

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Fighter posted this 05 July 2020

Some updates. Preparing for experiments doesn't work according to my plan, I'll explain below.

First, I'm posting the characteristics of the coils as measured by my LCR, here you can see only the left coil but right coil is almost the same, there is just a difference of +/- 10 turns (link to larger image here):

I've built assembled 3 of measurement blocks made by Chris and I've built a flexible circuit with connectors and wires so I can easily attach loads (12V/5W light bulbs) and easily insert measurement blocks in the circuit when required (link to larger image here):

Also I received the two 20x20x25mm ferrite magnets I bought from local market. The small 7x7x25mm ferrite magnets I ordered from UK just entered in country, seems they are transported on ground by truck so probably I'll receive them someday in the incoming week.

So the plan with these two similar coils was to make first a standard 1:1 transformer and then to experiment with different magnetic force and to observe eventually a increase in the power on the secondary coil (the coil on the right side).

Well, seems like the 250 turns using 0.6 mm copper wire are not okay for a 1:1 transformer with this core. The 12V/5W light bulb on the secondary (right-side) coil is not working at all when powering with pulsed 12V the primary (left-side) coil no matter what frequency or duty-cycle I use. I had a conversation with Cd_Sharp and seems the 250 turns are too much for the coils.

The light bulb start to shine only when I use pulsed 25V with 500Hz and 50% duty-cycle (link to larger image here):

But what I found out in this configuration is, even if the light bulb on the secondary (right-side coil) is shining very weak, I have high voltage back-EMF on the primary (left-side coil), if I put the 220V/70W light bulb in parallel on the primary coil I have it shining, it's weak but still it's a 220V/70W light bulb ! (link to larger image here):

Notice the consumption seen by the DC source (not sure how accurate it is) is just about 100mA higher.

And a note: the primary coil starts to warm up slowly in this configuration.

So right now I have a problem with a standard 1:1 transformer which is not working as expected but which unexpectedly creates a pretty strong back-EMF in the primary.

I'll need to figure out and fix the 1:1 functionality issue and to figure out what;s with that back-EMF.

I'll need to try to calculate properly coils for a 1:1 transformer for this core. I'm not that good at transformer calculations, I'll try to figure out how to use Chris's calculator.

So as I said the preparation for experiments don't work as I planned for now.

I'll post updates when I'll figure out these issues and fix them.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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