Nigel Cheese

  • Last Post 08 June 2024
Jagau posted this 20 April 2024


As one of our new members is looking for more information about Nigel Cheese's research and experiments I'm sharing here all the information I have in my personal archive.


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Jagau posted this 20 April 2024


As one of our new members is looking for more information about Nigel Cheese's research and experiments I'm sharing here all the information I have in my personal archive.


Jagau posted this 20 April 2024

Here are images from Nigel's web page:


  • Liked by
  • Fighter
  • Inception
Jagau posted this 20 April 2024

Here are videos from Nigel's web page:


Jagau posted this 20 April 2024

And attached to this post is an archive containing documents and information about Nigel's research.

Be aware that some of them are in French.


Attached Files posted this 20 April 2024

Jagau thank you so much for sharing your files....

The books I was able to get on other forum's are "THE UNIVERSAL RELATIVITY THEOREM"  and "THE MAGNET IS WHAT?" 

I look forward to reading his other works... 

I'll add links to other videos that are available on the net for other users who want to familiarize  themselves with his work. (probably in the next couple of days, weekends are usually hangover days for me) For sure someone will crack his discoveries.... 

All the best...


Jagau posted this 20 April 2024

No problem, you are welcome here as are your researcher friends.
It was Fighter who set up this thread, he is the one we must thank, sharing between researcher friends is very important to us here on, don't forget to share the files that I am missing.

I wish you great research.


Inception posted this 21 April 2024

Thank you, Jagua.

I have been wanting to look into several of Nigel's ideas that I found to be interesting. I hope everyone can share their findings so we can build on his ideas, whether philosophical, or experimental.

My opinion does not discount the possibility that energy is still collected by the LED matrix. That may be verified using an oscilloscope to examine the characteristics of any energy spikes or oscillations.

After examining the circuitry in the videos above I observed:

1) Nigel said that the system in the video above has nothing to do with the Mains to generate power. Although the circuitry works as presented, that may not be correct.

As far as I can determine from the schematic, and lacking evidence of aetherial energy activity in the LED matrix, the electrical sources appear to be the Mains ground and an isolated ground elsewhere. That in itself has a great potential, owing nothing to the aether. 


Measuring the mains ground in a Hollywood recording studio in the late 70s, showed a potential over 50 volts AC with reference to an isolated earth ground.

2) The LED matrix has internal capacitance, whether by structural proximity, or circuit defined (smoothing or protection). Thus, the matrix may exhibit characterisitcs of a voltage multiplier.

3) The matrix alternately feeds two forward biased diodes connected to the first capacitor. There has to be an alternating voltage source, whether random (aetherial) or sinusoidal (Mains or radio).

4) He claims that the capacitor's rating is in watts, therefore it can produce enough energy to power a significant load. However, the instaneous discharge of that capacitor limits watt-hours to a negligeble amount. It can power something for less than a millisecond.

5) The LED matrix takes a very long time to charge the capacitor(s). This supports #4, limiting watt-hours.

6) This appears to be an ambient energy harvester, however, without further verification of the energy characteristics (random/sinusoidal/both), the power source appears to be the Mains ground and a separate earth ground.


Considering that certain LEDs used to monitor over-unity devices, or act as a load:

  • are essentially diodes,
  • may have effective capacitance, 
  • may manifest voltage multiplier characteristics (due to alternating current), 
  • may influence resonance,
  • may skew gain results,
  • and may introduce unpredictabilty,

should we not take into consideration that they become active components, adversly affecting the function of our circuits?

Could this be the reason that experimenters get different results, as far as gain, loss, resonance, or even failure?

... just some thoughts.


  • Nigel may have given us an unintended insight into the things that affect our projects, positively, or negatively ... something to investigate before using some components considered benign.
  • This device may demonstrate that there can be a useful potential between separate grounds using the Mains and an isolated earth ground.
  • With more investigation, perhaps using an oscilloscope to determine energy source(s), it may demonstrate energy collection from the aether.


  • The absence of an oscilloscope,
  • Possible misidentification of the power source,
  • Implications that the circuit is powerful based on low-current intermittent voltages.

"Test everything, and hold onto that which is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21

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  • AlteredUnity
Inception posted this 21 April 2024

Nigel's 1+1 discussion appears to rely upon removing context. This type of science is contextual chaos, not metrics.


Adding magnets in SERIES may not (linearly) change the magnetic strength per square inch/cm at the north end, so the net strength is less than the sum of all the magnets at the end.

Those same magnets in parallel would have more net strength when applied to a larger area.

So the power of 1 (series of magnets) is not equal to the power of 1 (collective of parallel magnets):

1 is not equal to 1, if you remove the essential context in parenthesis. 

Substitute a square inch/cm of tape for the magnet. 10 tapes applied in series is not equal to 10 tapes applied in parallel, so 10 is not equal to 10 in "Nigel Terms".



Has anyone tried his series of 12 side-by-side magnets to create a voltage that lights an LED ... due to different pole configuration changes ... dependent upon the number of magnets in series? I find this concept to be very interesting. I have not had any success with small Neodymium magnets.

Nigel Cheese's Magnet Battery

If you want to learn more about "The Magnet's Form Factor": Magnetic Field Calculator

  • Liked by
  • YoElMiCrO
  • Apoc
Fighter posted this 22 April 2024

Replying To: Inception

I would say better try to experiment with this tech before dismissing it.

It simply works, as you can see here.

Just a comment from one of your links:



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Jagau posted this 22 April 2024

I shared my research on Niguel Cheese, in an open state of mind, as I still do today for other researchers on the internet. I carried out several of Niguel's experiences while keeping an open mind and I still consider today that I have a lot to learn and you must always give the runner a chance.


Inception posted this 22 April 2024


Replying To: Inception

I would say better try to experiment with this tech before dismissing it.

It simply works, as you can see here.

Just a comment from one of your links:



Agreed, Fighter. 

I don't dismiss Nigel's practical ideas at all. They are fascinating.

As an addition to knowing Nigel's published works here, I only reviewed two of his presentations, so far, and left some corn on the trail to a third because I am interested in the stacked magnet idea, to see where that develops. 

It is some of the controversial issues with Nigel that experimenters should be aware of, also, so they don't become confused by philosophy and fail to look into valid ideas/concepts.

There are those who want to debunk Nigel altogether, without giving merit to the rest of his working concepts and ideas. That is not my intent. As a scientist I will be open minded to discuss everything, and give my humble opinions pro/con, whether held as fact, or after changing those opinions after reconsideration of new evidence.

The video experiment above works. It's the premise as to why it works may not be correct without further analysis. As a scientist willing to consider new ideas, I still have an obligation to be factual, with no intent to cause harm.

I have watched his videos before and found some things very fascinating.

Yes, I gave that link to show that the magnet stack has merit, and worth investigating.

Not everything resounds as being crazy. Not everything resounds as truth.
