Nigel Cheese

  • Last Post 08 June 2024
Jagau posted this 20 April 2024


As one of our new members is looking for more information about Nigel Cheese's research and experiments I'm sharing here all the information I have in my personal archive.

Jagau posted this 29 April 2024

Jagau, is there a Nigel's article or video that explains what this image represents?  I've never seen it in his presentations...


M. J.


Jagau posted this 29 April 2024

Probably, it has been more than two years since I last reread these notes,

I will check if so and come back to you with that.


Jagau posted this 29 April 2024

If i remember well it is about this pdf


Attached Files posted this 30 April 2024

Jagau thank you so much for the share...

I've read the article and it's an interesting one. I believe it is an explanation of 5-part ring magnet video.

In the picture above there are 7 columns marked with degrees making a total of 360 degrees. So for some reason 7-part ring is not the same as 5-part ring of magnets. 

So if 5 rings are 40% of infinity (don't quite understand what that means in the article), we can assume that ring with 7 parts is somehow better, with more percentage of infinity? posted this 30 April 2024

This article is by Jamie Panarello who, so it seems, have worked with Nigel on the quantum battery. I'm surprised it's not deleted by LinkedIn...

Jagau posted this 30 April 2024

You can find lot of Nigel experiments on Rumble here:

Jagau posted this 01 May 2024

Thanks, I've seen those... I understand that many people were able to replicate his design with wet paper, but none managed his dry battery... I've tried a nubmer of times with no luck...

Inception posted this 01 May 2024

While looking for a dry version of the battery I came across this successful replication using various metals, paper and water:

Building and Testing Prof. Nigel Cheese's 'Quantum Battery'

Jagau posted this 05 June 2024

Hi Inception

I already built this quantum battery some time ago and it works.

but very little energy as you see and It has a limited duration when the wet product dries.


The eternal flasher or micro generator, that I built and demonstrated in the forum here

is more rewarding. Is still running since November 1, 2021, almost 3 years


Inception posted this 06 June 2024


The microgenerator is one of my favorites. It's good to hear that it's running well. 

Another project you had introduced was Ferrite at Work. How is that going?

I was playing with magnets in the Nigel Cheese parallel configuration yesterday. Nothing conclusive as yet. I have some larger mechanical/automotive projects to manage for now.

Everything these days seem to preempt experimentation, but I find time to keep up with what's happening here. It's thought provoking.

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