Public answer to Chris from

  • Last Post 08 December 2024
Fighter posted this 30 April 2022

I just saw a post made by Chris about two weeks ago:

Image attached to the post:

So, Chris, the answer is NO.

The reason it looks "familiar" is simple: both sites are using the same open-source platform named MVC Forum:

All the members of our team used to be members of AboveUnity (before you started to abuse, invent lies about them and act like a mentally ill person) and they are very familiar with the platform. That's the reason of our platform choice.

And if you would know what you're talking about you would know that if we would want to copy your site then this site would have been up and running in 4-5 days, we wouldn't need a month to develop it.

And you don't know it because you have no access here but BeyondUnity already have features and enhancements your site doesn't have. You were not even able to fix that Follow feature for topic notifications which is something very basic. Other than that check the layout, interactivity and the smoothness of this site and compare with yours. We had the latest version of TinyMCE from the beginning, weeks before you started upgrading the version from your site.

BeyondUnity was developed from ground up, that's why we have over 70 code commits made during the development:

So now get your pills, they may help with your issues.

And about all the lies and bullshit you were spreading about us, here it is something which you deleted on your site but we still have it:

Can you read this ?

I attached the image of the post so everyone can see it clearly.

So we started saving data (as you asked everyone to do) then you started yelling why we were saving the data. It does show exactly how bad your mental issues are.

And now fuck off, you're trash, go back to your site and find medical help.

You should ask yourself why almost all the members of the team left your site and the research and experiments there are now close to 0.

And something else: if you would have the solution, many members from your site would have working self-running devices by now ! The truth is no one has a working device there ! Not even you ! And we both know this !

You're in the past for us so stop talking trash about us. Everyone can see the proofs above and compare with all the lies you spread about us on your site.

If I would want your site down it would be down permanently. But your poor site goes offline on itself almost every day for more than a year now, was it also because of our "attacks" ? We even donated money to you when you were in trouble just to help in keeping your site online. Stop blaming others for your site issues.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla

Attached Files

Fighter posted this 20 November 2023

And the cuckoo-boy keeps delirating:

Get your pills boy, everyone knows who you really are and no one takes you seriously anymore.

We have members here who changed their passwords after we found out you're stealing people's passwords on your old site like you just did to Wistiti.

This is who you really are:

So as anyone can see, you're just a scumbag and we have all the evidences of your actions, lies and disinformation here in this thread available to the public.

"My Friends..." - what friends ? Are you still talking to your imaginary friends ? You have no friends anymore since your mental issues kicked in and you started attacking your own team and your real friends like a mad dog spreading fake accusations about them, talking trash about them and acting just like the scumbag you really are.

You have nothing functional to show with your useless stolen coils, for 7 years just bla-bla "how wondeful my coils are, I can't make them work and I have nothing functional to show but trust me, they're wonderful !". šŸ˜„

And there are 0 chances to have anything functional on your old site in the future since our team of researchers left you and your site and we're continuing our experiments and demonstrations here on our site.

You want to see real functional demonstrations and replications ? Take a look here. What do you have on your old site except the old research and demonstrations made also by our team, not by you ?

The truth is a scumbag like you with obvious mental issues will never "save the world" as you pretend to do.

If there is still anyone waiting for that to happen and for you to really have anything functional to show that must be a real fool 'cause it's obvious that will never happen.

So, again, go get your pills boy... Everyone can smell your desperation in anything you say and you do...


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 22 November 2023

Oh, no ! He won the race being "light years ahead" on the road going to nowhere... šŸ˜‚

And I told him to get his pills...

This is really hilarious... šŸ˜‚

Any public presentation of a functional demo device like the ones we did on our site ? Of course not because you know your useless coils you stolen from Don Smith can't do that... šŸ˜‰

Like in the last 7 years just the same bla-bla "how wondeful my coils are, I can't make them work and I have nothing functional to show but trust me, they're wonderful !". šŸ˜„

Actually as we have shown here we did that at your request. Repeating the same lie will never make it the truth.

And typical troll tactic, accusing others of what you actually did. Exactly what you did to Wistiti, right ?

If we've would do that we would've knew that Wistiti used the same password on both sites. But we didn't knew.

Basic logic showing who actually is stealing passwords on his site. šŸ˜‰

All the proofs are shown here in this thread...

That's correct, the correct term is not "bad person", considering the lies, disinformation, fake accusations and the attacks on the former members of your team actually the correct term is "scumbag". šŸ˜‰

Yep, people who wants to find the truth about who you really are can research and find the truth with proofs here in this thread. And they come to find the truth here - 7,100 views are showing that.

And yes, that's correct about the blind faith, after 7 years of bla-bla "how wondeful my coils are, I can't make them work and I have nothing functional to show but trust me, they're wonderful !" people understood you actually got nothing. Therefore the 0 activity and real experiments on your site which is dead in the water.

In his imaginary world with imaginary friends this scumbag believes he is a good guy who never did all the bullsh*ts he did, who never lied and posted disinformation, who didn't attacked his own team like a mad dog, nothing...

He would be a very interesting subject for any psychiatrist in this world.

This is hilarious and sad in the same time...


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 22 November 2023

This shows how dumb you are, Sykes... šŸ˜„

So those are your proofs, some Romanian IPs ?

For your information, I never use my IP when I want to visit your stupid site. Also for your information there are currently in use millions and millions of Romanian IPs and, surprise, I'm not the one using them !

I visit your stupid site just to check how your mental illness is progressing (Karma never sleeps...) because as everyone can see there is nothing else new on your site including in what you call "secure" sections of your stupid site.

Also, who the f*ck would need your useless PDFs ? What mentally sane person (obviously not talking about you) would think about searching for any information in literally kilometers of PDFs ?

If I want to search for any (old) information I can simply search your old site including the so-called "secure" sections, I don't need your stupid PDFs ! šŸ˜„

Even without those PDFs you can see your poor site is going down by itself almost every day without anyone "abusing" it, just by browsing. Even a basic thing as playing a video on your site (video which never loads or play properly) get your site going down ! And that's because of bad code changes you did killing its performance.

Believe me, if someone would really want to attack your crippled site, it would never be online again boy... šŸ˜‰

But yeah, as usually, keep accusing others for your own incompetence in coding and keeping your site running smoothly. šŸ˜‰

Now go get your pills even if they seem to not help you at all, you dumb f*ck...


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
solarlab posted this 25 November 2023

Happy Thanks Giving everyone! 

Just had a good laugh at some guy claiming "The Energy Machine Race is already WON, I am the Winner!" 

He obviously hasn't reviewed the recent status of the actual "Real Excess Energy Machines." For example: 

These should hit the open market in the very near future at a decent purchase price for the small KW units. 

BTW, the technology used in these devices is already being leveraged into a variety of other excess 
energy developments and some I must say, are quite interesting and exciting... they may even be open 
sourced (but might need provisional/patent protection to preserve the "free-to-all" status however). 

Gotta say - some of these "self appointed FE experts" really do "crack me up" sometimes... 



Wistiti posted this 25 November 2023

Hi everyone.
I'm still really disappointed with all of this. I want to apologize to all including Chris.

I will keep my way as I am and stay away from the fight. I'm only here to learn and share and have lost enough time with this conflict.

Manipulation is not my favorite and I think it is not just Fighter or Chris who play this game here...

From now I think I will continue my way alone...Anyway I'm now out of both forums trust and I think it's just ok.....

Be sure it have been a real pleasure to share this last year's with you.

Take care and wish you all, peace. šŸŒž

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  • Inception
Fighter posted this 25 November 2023

Hi Wistiti,

I don't know how you came to this conclusion but I don't do any manipulation here.

All I do is to just reply to the manipulation and lies spread about us by that nuts on his site and you can see the evidences about that here.

I guess your conclusion is also the result of those lies and manipulations. Even if we saw that nuts coming here in your account with your password stolen from his site.

It's your decision, just keep in mind we all consider you a valuable member of our team no matter what and when you decide to come back we'll be here.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
solarlab posted this 26 November 2023

Hi Wistiti, 

For me - I'm just glad to be living in the time when "Excess Energy (a.k.a OU...)" has arrived. Pretty 
cool to say the least!  And, it appears to be much easier to do than we all thought; but time will tell.

On the Chris note: 

You don't have to be a Chess Master to play Chess and simply enjoy the challenge and 
excitement; especially when you create a never-before-known move! 

But to continually "claim" you're a "Chess Master" when you don't even understand 
how it's played, nor demonstrate even the basic requirements,  now that IS genuine 
"Foolish Humor," IMHO... 

Nothing whatever to do with any manipulation, except, of course, within-you're-own-mind! 

Beyond funny claiming  -- "The Energy Machine Race is already WON, I am the Winner!"



solarlab posted this 26 November 2023

Hey Chris, 

Noticed you're following the posts here and detected a bit of jelously in your post over at AU. You
know I don't usually engauge in "long-cock" shit posting but, well, it's a rainy Saturday: 

So - where's your 500KW Stand Alone Generator? 



Attached Files

solarlab posted this 26 November 2023

500KW Stand Alone Generator

solarlab posted this 26 November 2023

FLUBS 28Oct23

So, I recon you'll be claiming the HES (and the dozens of patents) were stolen from you... 
   Just more of your (stupid) Humour forthcomming I suspect... 

Sorry, but your "+" sign shows nothing of any value, nothing what so ever - no evidence of 
any coherent anything. 

Oh, we seemed to have missed your "AU" technology booth demonstration at the Ft.
Lauderdale Boat Show; guess we didn't miss much! 

