Non Linear Resonance

  • Last Post 03 June 2024
Jagau posted this 14 December 2023

I transferred my thread on Non Linear Resonance here to

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Atti posted this 03 November 2020


I have one of the resonance points. The yellow trail is the H bridge control sign. When this resonance point is there there is some recharging to the power supply.


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Jagau posted this 03 November 2020

Hi Atti

there is some recharging to the power supply.

You mean that compared to the number of amps at the input you have the same result but the current drops at the input??


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Atti posted this 03 November 2020

Yes. See the video uploaded to the Vidura thread. History as well.

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Jagau posted this 03 November 2020

Hi all
A video from Don Smith who declares that several components in his system do not need to be there.

Don video; Okay you want to look at it for a couple of minutes here and then we'll start talking about, it there's a number of unnecessary parts there that we're

actually put in there because people expect to see them actually on this you

can take everything back this way and take it off of there and it will work

just fine you can also take the spark gap off of it and it will still work

just fine and the reason for that is that in the coils they have their own

specific resonance due to the fact that they have both capacitance and

inductance and when you cross that on a chart you find that that particular

length of wire will have a specific frequency and it will load and unload by

itself and you don't need spark gaps or you don't need anything else your Tesla


This is what allowed me to duplicate the voltage at will without affecting the input, as Mr Smith says and it work.

He call this D.S.E. (don smith effect)


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Jagau posted this 21 November 2020

An Answer to America's Energy Deficit - 5th Edition - January 1997.pdf

An old document from Don Smith specifying that:

The electrical circuit equivalent o a bloch wall is a diode.

Very interesting information and many others which do not appear in more recent books

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Fighter posted this 01 December 2020

Hi Jagau,

I have 4 questions about your device:

  • what's the size of the gaps between the coils ? that's important. maybe 1mm ? more ? less ?
  • what's the size of the wire ? I have some 0.4mm wire available here
  • I have an AL 9500 potcore, do you think I should use a lower number of turns ? you use 80-100 turns per coil for your AL 6000 potcore
  • I don't have oil capacitors, so low ESR capacitors are working well with this ? is the effect still present when using them ?

I intend to experiment this with your AC oscillator, to replace the signal generator in the diagram.

Thanks for your advice !

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
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  • Jagau
Jagau posted this 01 December 2020

Hi Fighter

  1. Between the coils there is only the thickness of the black electric tape with only one turn this allows the maximum capacity between the coils.
  2. AWG is 24
  3. Mine have Al 7800 with 9800 it will be better. I use exactly 100 turns, which is important for the correct frequency. With 100 yours you will have between 26 and 29 Khz at the resonant frequency.
  4. As Tom Bearden said the more the capacitor has the internal regularity to the deformation the better it works, for LOW ESRs at these voltages there is not much difference. It also works with propylene capacitors.There are two definite advantages to using oil capacitors


  1. As I work in high voltage, it helps prevent arcing from between the two plates.
  2. Better temperature stability so that it works optimally

                  You will have approximately 40 to 60 times the output voltage of what you place at the input
                  Wound first 2 coils CW-CCW and last one CW
                  What people don't realize is that 2 coils on top of each other is like a capacitor, you see the effect depending on the capacity of your set up, I think you must have observed this effect with your Romanian ZPM

                 hope this help

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Jagau posted this 06 December 2020

Hi all

Just a link test 

ABOUT EnerGenius Favorites 

You will be able to appreciate this document with many very interesting links


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YoElMiCrO posted this 18 December 2020

Hello everyone.


I already have the POT-Cores in hand.
I'm starting the experiments.
Buy 10, they've got 9 whole, all right.
Here's an image.

Thanks you.


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Jagau posted this 18 December 2020

Its's look very good Yo

Good experiment and have pleasure with this.

I am experimenting at the moment about two switching mode in different time and phase angle for coils at Zero crossing Switching (ZCD). Commonly called Synchronous switching.

Almost everyone here will be able to take advantage of this as it applies to most of our switching circuits.

I will talk about all this again when my switching circuit is ready and it will not be long. I already have good results.

 have a nice day


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