I transferred my thread on Non Linear Resonance here to BeyondUnity.org
Non Linear Resonance
- Last Post 03 June 2024
I transferred my thread on Non Linear Resonance here to BeyondUnity.org
In an arrangement of three coils placed in a potcore, when the first two coils in phase opposition are pulsed at resonance and you harvest on the third coil, you will get much more than 50 times what you gave at the input.
When the magnetic fields of the two coils collide a new phenomenon appears.
A demo will follow
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Quote from Gerry Vassitalos in his book of ''LOST SCIENCE''
The "primary" and "secondary" of Tesla Transformers are not magnetic inductors.
They are coil-shaped capacitors! Tesla Transformer action is electrostatic induction.
One of Tesla's biggest well-kept secrets.
Hi eveione.
Unfortunately, at this moment I cannot contribute to confirm the results of the experiment. But I will try.
My experiments with coil-shaped capacitors confirm Jagau's statements.
You may have already seen experiments on these (if you asked or not)
Just one example:
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A video here on the subject discussed above.
The resonance is obtained with an AC square wave, which varies from + to -, with a frequency of 33Khz.
When the wave collected on the third coil is at its maximum amplitude, the voltage with only 222 milliwatts ( 1 / 4 of a watt ) and 4 volts at the input gives us 480 volts RMS DC at output. Please note that on the third coil, the AV plug is only connected to one side of the coil. If you charge a capacitor directly on the AV plug you will get more power at dischage in time related.
The apparent power is V rms X I rms
average power is V rms X I rms X cos phi, the power analysis software does it for us in real time.
Power analyser give us informationin in real time, with a lot of other information like impedance, a really nice tool.
If you short with a jumper the AV plug output, this has no effect on the input power. Thi is best way to hack resonance without affect it.
In fact there is nothing new here about pulsing two coils in opposition of phase and harvest on a third, Nicolas Tesla was already doing it in 1896, an explanatory photo of Tesla's patent 568176 coming from the site Intalek.com
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Hello everyone.
Jagau.I have a technical question.
I would ask about the physical positioning of the coils.
-Did you connect the three coil wires together and wind them up that way?
(so trifilar)
-Were the three coils wound on top of each other?
100 turns, then 100 turns on top of that, and 100 turns on top of that.
Thank you.
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Hi Jagau.
Thank you for your reply.
I'm looking for correlations in different machines,different implementations. For me, very often it doesn't even matter if the presented arrangement gives additional energy.
I am looking for the effect. Why? Because for me, this transformer machine is the etalon.
This machine has been seen by several people. Several people have tried to reproduce it without success. I'm one of them. If you think about it, there's a similarity.
Looking at your layout, I see the same thing as Fighter's layout.
(and elsewhere)
Why is the geometric layout important?
It makes a difference whether I wind the wires in a trifilar winding or on top of each other.
Think about it.
In your layout, the coils are on top of each other. So the lengths of the wires are not the same.
First row is 100 threads. L1. As the cross section (AxB) increases, the diameter increases. So logically the next number of runs (L2) is longer than the previous number of runs.
So L1 and L2 have the same number of threads per revolution, but not the same in centimetres!
If I increase the frequency then the inductance increases! Think about it.
It is in opposite magnetic field.
However, it does not have the same effect on the primary energy source.
And that's the point.
In my opinion, this should be the basis of any machine.So every observation is very important.
(Addendum,explanation to the interpretation of the post.
Some information about Árpád Bóday's machine. Unfortunately, the inventor was extremely secretive.
I apologize to everyone.The reason I didn't fully address the Jagau non-linear resonance post is because I was not thinking closely about it.
Please refrain from inappropriate and out of place thoughts.)
Thank you for your patience.
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for some people it is not worth it and forget about sharing. Yet hundreds of people come here to the site and don't share anything, not even a thanks.......
Every experiment is important, there is not such thing as "not worth it" experiment.
I don't do it to profit from it either.Obviously. None of our members wishes to be thanked. But a repeated experiment would be niceThat's right. It reinforces everything and we can move on.
Thank you. Atti.
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Replying To: Jagau
Tell me why does he speak ill of me, through my real demonstrations?
'Cause that's what all those useless trolls do, my friend. Just ignore them.
My answer to any of them is always the same:
"Put your money where your mouth is ! Show me what you got ! No practical/demo functional device showing overunity like we do ? So you got nothing, just blah-blah ? Then shut the f*ck up !"
You presented all the data, the experiment and the result which prove you're right !
Don't let anybody affect your work and your experiments. We're on our way to Rome and we'll get there !
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." | ||
Nikola Tesla |
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It's our team's motto created by YoElMiCrO and it's not about the Roman Empire.
It's about the expression "All roads lead to Rome".
Meaning all our experiments are different ways to gather energy from the same source (the Zero-Point field) and have the same final goal: self-running devices.
That's the meaning of meeting in Rome.
Edit: Jagau is right, let's stop posting about unrelated topics in his thread.
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." | ||
Nikola Tesla |
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Hello Atti
Thanks for the link, I'll look into that.
It's as you say for the moment you concentrate on the effect, the balance will come and above all we can do much better, I will show in due time.
When you wind 3 coils as I did, in a potcore, I have already demonstrated with an inductance meter that the inductance is almost the same for each coil, even if the cables are a little longer compared to each other. to the other. Make the observation you will see.
Despite the similarities of the 3 systems that you demonstrated, their assembly and their load are different, which causes different results.
For my system there are three coils and the load is on one side of the third coil which is an open system. The environment can contribute in this type of arrangement to increase the output.
Unlike a closed system which gives a little less output than input minus losses.
I appreciate your comments, it’s very good.
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Hi Jagau.
Of course you are right. Your experiment is an open system. That's why I said I didn't want to mislead you about the nonlinear system thread. Once again, I apologize to everyone.But while we're at it, let me show you that there is indeed a high voltage in such a system.
As you can see in the video. N27 ferrite core. 3x 100 thread count.
The oscilloscope measurement is on the top thread count. L3 (10x measurement and cannot be measured completely because of the high voltage. The neon light is on!)
The bottom two are the two opposite coils. L1-L2.
As the diameter of the coil increases due to the increase in threading, the length of the coil in centimetres logically increases. Even though the thread count is the same (I measured it exactly! )
At this frequency, even this tiny difference is considered inductance. But the difference is only a few centimetres.
So that's why I said that it is similar to the ideas in the drawings given.
But again.I understand that your system is open. And there is logic in that.
Thank you for your patience.
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