For a while I gathered information on what Don Smith called "The Don Smith Effect".
There is a Don Smith's patent number NL02000035 talking about a kind of transformer which is also not depleting the input source, just as you presented here with Dr. Stifflers's technology. The patent is in Spanish language but it can be easily translated using the machine translation:

I think that what Dr. Stiffler didn't realized is the fact that the secondary coils (the ones used to gather aether/zero-point energy energy) are actually used as capacitors (remember a coil is in the same time a resistor and a capacitor).
If I am right we are talking about the same phenomenon/effect and this can unify the technologies of Dr. Stiffler and the technologies of Don Smith.
What the patent says is: if you have a coil running at its resonant frequency and you put some plates at right angle outside the coil so the plates create a capacitor, the plates will gather energy without affecting/depleting the energy of the input source. It's the same thing you presented in your experiments using Dr. Stiffler's technology. From my research on this I think (I'm not sure if it's required) that the plates should be able to move closer or away from each other so they can form what we call a variable capacitor in order to be able to tune the device and get more efficient in gathering the aether/zero-point
But basically this is what Don Smith is talking about in its patent:
It is found that creating a dipole and inserting capacitor plates at right angles to the current flow,
allows magnetic waves to change back into useful electrical (coulombs) energy. Magnetic waves passing through the capacitor plates do not degrade and the full impact of the available energy is accessed. One, or as many sets of capacitor plates as is desired, may be used. Each set makes an exact copy of the full force and effect of the energy present in the magnetic waves. The originating source is not depleted or degraded as is common in conventional transformers.
Don Smith's discovery is what he calls a "Don Smith effect", where the charge if put on one plate of the capacitor, it duplicates the same charge on the second plate from the ambient background (air and earth groundings). This forms an open system, where the input never gets depleted. Capacitor used determines the power output as he mentions. This is different from the conventional closed circuits where the source is grounded back to itself (in other words, sees"-" directly, the source is self-destroying).
A few images from the patent:

And here are two images I found showing the configuration from Fig. 3 (the image above):

I'll organize my material and my notes related to the Don Smith Effect and when I'll find some time I'll continue in this thread.
I have a few variable capacitors here which I bought from Thailand some time ago:

I don't know if I can use them in a Don Smith Effect experiment (Don Smith talks about plates changing distances to each other which is not how the modern variable capacitors work), but I intend to give it a try and create an experiment about the Don Smith Effect.
Seems the only way to gather aether/zero-point energy and to not affect/deplete the input source is to not have the source grounded back to itself (in other words, to not see the "-" directly, so the source is not self-destroying).
It's exactly what another of our teachers, Tom Bearden, told us: "Don't destroy the dipole !".
Because that's exactly what our official tech using symmetrical and closed systems is doing. That's why it will never be able to become overunity.
Jagau, I know I said I intend to replicate your device(s) from your experiment here related to Dr. Stiffler's tech but just replicating your work is not very helpful, maybe a better way is to work in parallel on a Don Smith Effect experiment and if I am right maybe we can unify the technologies these two great teachers demonstrated to us.
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of
energy, frequency and
vibration." |
Nikola Tesla |