The Don Smith Effect

  • Last Post 3 weeks ago
Fighter posted this 28 May 2023

In order to not interfere with Jagau's experiments with Dr. Stiffler's SEC technology which have many things in common with what Don Smith named "The Don Smith Effect" I'm starting in parallel with Jagau my own experiments with Don Smith's tech.

If this experiment is successful maybe we can unify the technologies these two great teachers demonstrated to us.

So below is my first post in this related thread here.


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 24 December 2023

I guess high voltage is the must (at least few KV) but I am not sure yet.

Thanks. Well, I'll find out. I have about 730 Vpp in my device, I'll see if I could reproduce the effects of Don Smith's tech with this. If not I could build new coils with more turns, that will make the device go to KV ranges.

High Voltage Oscilloscope Probe Design

How to build a 1000 to 1 HV oscilloscope probe DIY

Maybe this could help

Thanks Jagau !


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 26 December 2023


Some updates, I just finished the two extraction modules.

The first prototype was a failure because I didn't had enough precision and the space inside the variable capacitors holders is very small. When I've built it I saw that when rotatiing the variable capacitor's knob the plates getting out of it were blocked by the edge of its holder (indicated by the red arrow):

After this failure with the first prototype I needed to increase the precision because every milimeter is important in drilling the holes in the plastic support so the holes match exactly the holes in the variable capacitor's body while the plates getting outside of it don't touch the support's edge.

But finally I found a method for increased precision and I've succeeded.

Here are the details of one of them:

And here are their variable capacitance ranges.

For the first extraction module we have a capacitance range between 0.04 and 0.61 nF (40-610 pF):

And for the second extraction module we have a capacitance range between 0.09 and 0.65 nF (90-650 pF):

And here is how these modules look like mounted inside the coil (they can slide deep inside the coil):

It's time to start the initial tests to verify the Don Smith Effect, more specific this one:

It is found that creating a dipole and inserting capacitor plates at right angles to the current flow,
allows magnetic waves to change back into useful electrical (coulombs) energy. Magnetic waves passing through the capacitor plates do not degrade and the full impact of the available energy is accessed. One, or as many sets of capacitor plates as is desired, may be used. Each set makes an exact copy of the full force and effect of the energy present in the magnetic waves. The originating source is not depleted of degraded as is common in conventional transformers.

I'll try to find time to do it and I'll come with updates.

Most probably I'll need to record videos of the experiments 'cause there would be too much information to present it just with images.



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Fighter posted this 26 December 2023

One correction: last night I mistyped the capacitance ranges in the previous post, obviously we have ranges under 1 nF. 

I corrected them.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Atti posted this 27 December 2023



Thank you for sharing your work.


Fighter posted this 27 December 2023

You're welcome, Atti.

That's why we are here - for exchanging ideas, data, experiments and results on our way to our common goal. By doing this we all are advancing faster than each other working on his own, advancing on our road to Rome. šŸ™‚



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Jagau posted this 30 December 2023

Talking just about position of primaty and secondary coils, there are two ways to reproduce the Don Smith effect

The one that works


and the other way that I never managed to make work


Shelfordella posted this 11 January 2024

Hi Jagau, where are those screencaps from? They don't look like they come from Don. thanks.

"A little theory and calculation would have saved Edison 90 per cent of the labor." Nikola Tesla

Jagau posted this 11 January 2024

 This is a screen copy of the book that Rich Friedrich did on Don Smith patent.


Shelfordella posted this 11 January 2024

Ok, thanks. i also found this

"A little theory and calculation would have saved Edison 90 per cent of the labor." Nikola Tesla

Jagau posted this 12 January 2024

Yes this is the book I'm talking about
