YoElMiCrO's Ferro-Magnetic Resonance

  • Last Post 12 February 2024
YoElMiCrO posted this 09 February 2024

I transferred my thread on Ferro-Magnetic Resonance here to BeyondUnity.org

Jagau posted this 22 June 2020

Hi atti
I took Yo's schematic to do this scope shot

For your help


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YoElMiCrO posted this 23 June 2020

Hello Atti

If you want I tell you how the circuit works
that you published.
I find myself finishing some definitive experiments,
the objective is the same, the ultimate over unity.

Thank you in advance


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Atti posted this 24 June 2020



It would be great if you could explain. I don’t have time to deal with the topics yet. All my stuff is in boxes. But I will have time to think about the theory. Thanks in advance.


This circuit is an ignition system. But it is very energy efficient. Similar to the proposed circuit.




Jagau posted this 24 June 2020

Hi atti

My goal here was to achieve the positive double pulse and the result is an undamped wave.  I hadn't explain well.

Mosfets have an RDS on which is surprising in some cases and the conduction times are different on connection and disconnection which a SCR in BJT cannot do.



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YoElMiCrO posted this 26 June 2020

Hi all.

Due to lack of time I have delayed publishing my results,
but little by little I will!
So I will keep you posted.
I think I understand what is the common phenomenon associated
to all the FE devices that we see on the network.
All circuits are related in one way or
another to Nikola Tesla's Harpin and its way of working.
It is this circuit that is capable of opening that window to extraction
energy, because the explanation is extensive I will publish it here.
There is another much more complex method, this is layers of opening
no longer a window but a door to the extraction of energy.
This method is much more complex to understand but not impossible
and credit to it goes to Floyd Sweet.
From my point of view he achieve a Bose-Einstein condensate at TA.
In other words, it achieved the fifth state of matter through its PM and at room temperature.
I will also publish it in the same tread for being much more extensive than the previous one.

Thank you in advance.


Atti posted this 12 July 2020

Hi. YoElMiCrO

I must say that the DUT is just a common transformer, only that
It is made in an unconventional way and can be air core.

Is there anything more you can know about this method of preparation? Or just a side view photo of NLEG.


YoElMiCrO posted this 13 July 2020

Hello Atti.

The transformer inside NLEG is a wound toroid and this
inside a 90 degree air core solenoid, then the whole assembly
between two radial micro-wave oven magnets in attractive mode.
I think this image is more illuminating ...

The reason for using this type of magnet is that its magnetization is
almost homogeneous, I tell you that I could not finish the experiment
still for lack of time, but with the search the true nature of
the matter that we observe around us.
There is still work time in it, because according to my hypothesis on the subject
this experiment should be able to open not a door but
a gate to the world of energy that is at atomic levels.
If we think a little ...
There has to be an entity that provides energy to the atoms to
let them stay in motion forever if in any way
we managed to extract energy from the atoms this will have to contribute more
energy in order to keep moving these atoms.
This experiment to work depends on another development that
It is not completely finished yet, but little by little
it takes shape / functionality.
As soon as I see it working I will publish it with all the details
so they can replicate it, once done by some more
we make it public, so no one can tell us who we are
crazy people who believe in the fantasy of free energy.

Thank you in advance.


Atti posted this 14 July 2020

Hi YoElMiCrO.

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to learn about the theory so far. Once we know the details of the further hypothesis, I will contribute to the reproduction in every way.


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UndisclosedMember posted this 14 July 2020

Hey Atti,

Some members have put a lot of work into this, and some of these members may be hesitant to share all they know. I understand, showing all one has learned can be more than a can of worms for many people. It is very hard to deal with the publicity especially when that publicity can be negative as I have seen again on ou.com.

Of course I don't believe anyone here would behave like that!

I think it is important to understand why some are hesitant to share! I don't blame them!

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Atti posted this 15 July 2020

Hey UndisclosedMember.

I think anyone here in this forum (or anywhere) who has presented anything from his work is working a lot!

What the community reveals before that is up to the individual. No one is to blame for it.
(On the other hand, there are a good number of people who just have a say in the subject but don't add any practicality. Years ago, I also knew someone who was fond of stealing ideas from others' computers. I didn't believe it until I experienced it myself.)

So the essence of my last sentence was thanks.
(I sadly read the debate war on the OU side. I am sorry about the circumstances.
It was on the tip of my tongue that I would have a say, but I would rather put it off. Because of the language barriers, everyone would probably have misunderstood it. )

I think devices that give extra energy have one (or more) points in common. So you can't say that this is the only thing that works.


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